perl maintainers sig

Perl Maintainers SIG
formed 4 years ago by eseyman

Group Packages

76 Packages
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This Perl module is a toy module to test the efficacy of the Alien::Base system.
This distribution provides autoconf so that it can be used by other Perl distributions that are on CPAN. This is most commonly necessary when creating other Aliens that target a autoconf project that does not ship with a configure script.
This is a Perl base class and framework for creating Alien distributions. The goal of the project is to make things as simple and easy as possible for both developers and users of Alien modules. Alien is a Perl name space for defining dependencies in CPAN for libraries and tools which are not "native" to CPAN. Alien modules will typically use the system libraries if they are available, or download the latest version from the internet and build them from source code. These libraries can then be used by other Perl modules, usually modules that are implemented with XS or FFI.
This package provides tools for building external (non-CPAN) dependencies for CPAN. It is mainly designed to be used at install time of a CPAN client, and work closely with Alien::Base which is used at run time.
This Perl Alien distribution provides an external dependency on the build tool cmake version 3.0.0 or better.
This module was created as an optional dependency of Chart to have access to a Unicode-complete scaleable font file. Thus only the Unifont TrueType font file is provided since this is what GD can read.
This package can be used by other Perl modules that require GNU m4.
This package can be used by other Perl modules that require PCRE2 library, the new Perl Compatible Regular Expression engine.
Attean provides APIs for parsing, storing, querying, and serializing semantic web (RDF and SPARQL) data.
The perl-BSSolv rpms
The perl-Bytes-Random-Secure rpms
The perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA rpms
This Perl module allows you to create, compare and convert units of measurement.
CPAN::02Packages::Search allows you to search Perl modules in the de facto standard CPAN index file 02packages.details.txt.
CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps is a plugin for CPAN Perl module to install non-CPAN dependencies automatically. Currently, the list of required system dependencies is maintained in a static data structure in CPAN::Plugin::Sysdeps::Mapping.
The perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES rpms
The perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum rpms
The perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random rpms
The perl-Crypt-Random-Seed rpms
This Perl module provides some simple convenience functions for packing and unpacking IEEE 754 floats and doubles. If you can require Perl 5.10 or greater then this module is pointless. Just use the "d>" and "f>" pack formats instead.
The perl-ExtUtils-CppGuess rpms
The perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default rpms
Platypus is a Perl library for creating interfaces to machine code libraries written in languages like C, C++, Fortran, Rust, Pascal. Essentially anything that gets compiled into machine code. This implementation uses libffi to accomplish this task. libffi is battle tested by a number of other scripting and virtual machine languages, such as Python and Ruby to serve a similar role. There are a number of reasons why you might want to write an extension with Platypus instead of XS.
The perl-Future-AsyncAwait package
This package provides an API for the GeoIP2 web services and databases. The API also works with the GeoLite2 databases.
This Perl module calculates distances between geographic points on, at the moment, planet Earth. Various "FORMULAS" are available that provide different levels of accuracy versus speed.
This Perl module reimplements some, but not all, of the formulas that come with GIS::Distance in the C programming language. C code is generally much faster than the Perl equivalent.
The perl-Gnome2-Canvas rpms
Each object has 7 attributes, which are its RGB and HSL values and if possible a name. This is because humans access colors on hardware level (eye) in RGB, on cognition level in HSL (brain) and on cultural level (language) with names. Having easy access to all three and some color math should enable you to get the color palette you desire quickly and with no additional dependencies.
This is a low-level binding to the gRPC library.
The Gtk3::ImageView widget allows the user to zoom, pan and select the specified image and provides hooks to allow additional tools, e.g. painter, to be created and used.
This module implements an ordered hash, meaning that it associates keys with values like a Perl hash, but keeps the keys in a consistent order. Because it is implemented as an object and manipulated with method calls, it is much slower than a Perl hash. This is the cost of keeping order.
Image::PNG::Libpng is a Perl library for accessing the contents of PNG (Portable Network Graphics) images. It enables Perl to read and write files in the PNG format.
The perl-IO-Zlib rpms
JSON::Create encodes Perl variables into JSON. The basic routine "create_json" gives common defaults. The stricter version "create_json_strict" accepts only unambiguous inputs. For more customization, an object created with "new" and run with "create" allows specifying behavior in more detail.
The perl-Log-Log4perl-Appender-Socket-UNIX rpms
It can be hard (or at least tedious) to debug WWW::Mechanize scripts. LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy wrapper offers debug_ua() function that instantiates LWP logging and also returns a LWP::ConsoleLogger object, which you may then tweak to your heart's desire. If you need to tweak the settings that LWP::ConsoleLogger::Easy chooses for you, please use LWP::ConsoleLogger. If you're able to install HTML::FormatText::Lynx then you'll get highly readable HTML to text conversions.
Override LWP HTTP/HTTPS request's host like /etc/hosts
The perl-Mail-DKIM rpms
This module adds support for 128-bit integers, signed and unsigned, to Perl.
The perl-Math-PlanePath rpms
The perl-Math-Prime-XS rpms
This distribution provides some shared code for use by both the MaxMind database reader and writer Perl modules.
Read MaxMind database files and look up IP addresses
Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
This package provides an API for Perl meta programming; that is, allowing code to inspect or manipulate parts of its own program structure. Parts of the perl interpreter itself can be accessed by means of "meta"-objects provided by this package. Methods on these objects allow inspection of details, as well as creating new items or removing existing ones.
Mojo::DOM58 is a minimalistic and relaxed pure-perl HTML/XML DOM parser. It supports the HTML Living Standard and Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, and matching based on CSS3 selectors. It will even try to interpret broken HTML and XML, so you should not use it for validation.
Net::Ping module contains methods to test the reachability of remote hosts on a network.
The NetAddr::IP module is very complete, correct, and useful. However, its API design is a bit crufty. This package provides an alternative API that aims to address the biggest problems with that module's API, as well as adding some additional features.
This Perl module provides a simple syntax for creating object classes, which uses private variables that look like lexical variables for object member fields.
This Perl module provides basic functions for handling MIME types. It can handle matching MIME types against a list of media ranges as specified in RFC 2616.
This Perl library enables you to create, import and modify documents in Portagble Document Format (mostly compliant to PDF 1.4 version).
The perl-Perl-Metrics-Simple rpms
This Perl module provides a syntax sugar for passing a pair of variables only
Plack::Test::Agent is an object-oriented interface to test PSGI applications. It can perform GET and POST requests against PSGI applications either in process or over HTTP through a Plack::Handler compatible backend.
This Perl class parses Perl string literals and things that are reasonably like string literals. Its real reason for being is to find interpolated variables for Perl::Critic policies and similar code.
The perl-Proc-Simple rpms
This Perl module provides a syntax plugin that implements a block which executes when the containing scope has finished. The "defer" blocks are primarily intended for cases such as resource finalization tasks that may be conditionally required.
This Perl module provides a syntax plugin that implements a single keyword, dynamically, which alters the behavior of a scalar assignment operation. Syntactically and semantically it is similar to the built-in Perl keyword local, but is implemented somewhat differently to give two key advantages over regular local: You can dynamically assign to left-value functions and accessors, and you can "dynamically" assign to regular lexical variables.
This module provides a syntax plugin that implements a control-flow block called match/case, which executes at most one of a choice of different blocks depending on the value of its controlling expression.
This module provides a new keyword, multi, to put before subroutine declarations, which permits multiple distinct function bodies to be provided, which take different parameters. A call to a multi sub will invoke whichever function body best fits the arguments passed.
This module provides an infix operator that implements an integer divides test which returns true if the lefthand operand is a whole multiple of the righthand.
This module provides infix operators that implement equality tests of strings or numbers similar to Perl's eq and == operators, except that they consider undef to be a distinct value, separate from the empty string or the number zero.
This Perl module provides an infix meta-operator that implements an element-of-list test on either strings or numbers.
Objects in Term::Terminfo Perl class provide access to the terminfo database entries.
This is a test harness toolkit for Perl Test2 system. It provides a yath tool, a command-line tool for executing the tests under the Test2 harness.
This Test2 plugin will collect minimal file coverage data, and will do so with minimal performance impact.
This Test2 plugin enables DBI::Profile globally so that DBI profiling data is collected. Once testing is complete an event will be produced which contains and displays the profiling data.
Test2 normally uses unique IDs generated by appending PID, thread ID, and an incrementing integer. These work fine most of the time, but are not sufficient if you want to keep a database of events, in that case a real UUID is much more useful.
This set of testing tools is intended for writing unit tests for code that interacts with other processes without using real processes that might have unwanted side effects. It also lets you test code that exits program flow without actually terminating your test. So far it allows you to test and/or mock exit, exec, system, readpipe and qx//. Other process related tests will be added in the future.
This Perl module provides a single subroutine, bits_is(), for testing binary data.
The perl-Test-Refcount rpms
This module provides the ability to use references as hash keys if you first "tie" the hash variable to this module. Normally, only the keys of the tied hash itself are preserved as references; to use references as keys in hashes-of-hashes, use Tie::RefHash::Nestable, included as part of Tie::RefHash.
These Perl modules provide a database system for managing URI name spaces in an object-oriented manner.
This module provides some XS functions to assist in writing syntax modules that provide new perl-visible syntax, primarily for authors of keyword plugins using the PL_keyword_plugin hook mechanism.
This module provides some XS functions to assist in writing parsers for sub-like syntax, primarily for authors of keyword plugins using the PL_keyword_plugin hook mechanism.